February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


UnMaskedYou might have heard something about a Million Mask March and how Anonymous was behind it. Well, once again we are dealing with far right wingers using the left to advance itself, so once again we have to call it out. Liberty Lamp does the honors.

Liberty Lamp

We have written up quite a bit on Anonymous in the past, but not so much as of late because the Internet hive-mind has been on a bit of a hiatus (aside from DOXing the KKK and some murderous cops). This hasn’t stopped others, however, from co-copting the name and images of the internet hacker group to use for their own propaganda and political agendas. You remember Jamie Jo Corne from years back— well, there is a new co-opter in town and she is like a Sarah Palin of activism.

Christine Ann Sands

Christine Ann Sands

Recently, there was a march in Washington DC called the “Million Mask March” which was promoted as an “Anonymous” event. But how “Anonymous” was it? The woman behind the event is Christine Ann Sands, who gives out her info as:
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We encountered Ms. Sands (or WhateverTheFuckHerNameis) while covering the crazy right-wing tea party event “Operation American Spring” (another clusterfuck of lunacy). She was trailing behind their meager march and homed in on any press like a heat seeking missile. Seriously, the most dangerous place in Washington is between Christine and a camera. We didn’t pay her any mind as we found her incredibly annoying and self-absorbed. We did a bit of research on her claims of activist fame and chose to ignore her– it’s the most effective technique to deal with people who thrive off unwarranted self importance.

Although Wonkette did give her some less than complimentary face time, she vanished into obscurity until she popped up when amateur leftist media sources were paying attention to the Million Mask March event in November of this year.

Digging into who this person is, she is obviously not really an Internet hacktivist at all– she is merely someone who has done several strange jobs in the past.

Oh how Mavericky!

Oh how Mavericky!

Her “internet activism” consists of trying to register as many URLs for other protest movements, like the OccupyDC protest, so she’s a glorified domain squatter.









We located a very interesting and pretty well researched pastebin on Ms Sands (or is it Mrs. Wahab?)

There are many accusations that this woman is a fed– and we are not ruling that out– but we are not going there yet

She does appear to be pretty well funded without any visible means of support (she has a fancy painted up bus!) and even though her lunacy could very well be a ruse, she is apparently so flakey one would question if even the FBI would stoop to employ somebody this unhinged. She posted this long rant on her FB page:

Is there enough crazy here?

Is there enough crazy here?

Is she trying so hard to play a role that she is overdoing it? On the other hand… damn, this woman has some serious issues with reality.

Why is Russian Government TV involved?

Why is Kremlin TV involved?

Digging f
urther, we also noticed that the Kremlin-funded Russia Today was also promoting this event. We are not the only ones who noticed this, as right wing blogger right wing blogger Kevin Tracy points out. Unfortunately, Tracy’s article is not accurate. He fails to expose who is really behind this event, claiming it was put together by actual Anonymous hackivists when it was not. He also fails to mention when Russia Today violated campaign finance laws to give the similarly unhinged Adam Kokesh airtime to use to raise money for the Ron Paul campaign.
Getting back to Ms Sands, she herself has been the doyenne of Russian government media quite few times.
Like Adam Kokesh, besides trying to co-opt Anonymous and the Occupy Movement (as both have tried to do) both were also involved with the right wing racist Ron Paul.

Christine has some opposition as well. The fellows we found who have the biggest beef with her are a chap named John Fairhurst and his comrades from Anti-Media who claim to be the original organizers of the march. We would feel a bit better about the march if they weren’t also Ron Paul supporters, but they are, in fact Fairhurst even asks Paul to come as speak at the Million Mask March on facebook thread.

Other Million March Organizers show an unsettling connection to rightwing/racist Ron Paul

Other Million March Organizers show an unsettling connection to rightwing/racist Ron Paul

There has been a long simmering movement coming from the third-position right wing to try to co-opt and manipulate leftist movements. Ms. Sands is part of that third position/Ron Paul/ pro-military revolutionary crowd who is trying to mislead disenchanted leftists into supporting something nefariously masked that they would normally be opposed to.

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We also speculate that she is connected to Charles Kacprowicz– he of the extreme right-wing pro-military extremist movement Operation American Spring. She has promoted information of his event on her facebook page.

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A word of caution for all leftists and anti-fascist activists: just because something looks revolutionary, it does not mean their goals are your goals. Ms. Sand is a right-winger and a conspiracy quack; she is tied in with pro-militia groups, Ron Paul and the right wing racist Russian government’s propaganda machine. The parallels between her and Adam Kokesh are almost identical.

A word for leftist amateur media- do your homework! Don’t be an unwitting propaganda tool!

Supporting this kind of façade is political suicide.

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