February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Sonier and his "Brother Marine"This is just rotten. Doug Sonier doesn’t have “brother Marines”. He has never been IN the Marines! He is nothing more than a Nazi (along with his wife Cathy, who is in the second photo with him), and one that keeps getting himself in trouble with the law. But aside from his current legal troubles, people finding out about THIS needs to give him even more problems than the courts can give him, especially if it is true that he took money from veterans’ groups! 

One People’s Project

PHILADELPHIA, PA – A neo-Nazi mixed martial arts fighter that was recently arrested on burglary and assault charges may also be posing as a former Marine when he has never served.

Douglas Sonier, 35, a Keystone State “Skinhead” (KSS) associate with ties to other hate groups such as Maryland “Skinheads” (MDS) and Florida-based The Hated, reportedly created a Facebook page earlier this year that portrays him as a recently retired Marine veteran. Sonier, 35, can be seen along with Cathy, who is expecting their new baby in a few weeks, in several pictures and videos, and he is a regular poster on the Facebook page of the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation. Information there says Sonier served in the infantry from January 3, 1997 to April 4, 2006. The entry year is also the year found in a barely visited profile page with Sonier’s name on the Leatherneck.com website.

Conversation on Doug Sonier’s Facebook page. Sorry, but it was the Nazis of World War II that started calling Marines “devildogs”, so when a neo-Nazi like Doug Sonier calls someone that, it comes off as more of an insult.
Sonier using "Devildog"

There is no evidence that Douglas Sonier ever served in the United States Marine Corps. In fact, Sonier has had a number of run-ins with the law that had even landed him in prison during the dates the Facebook page has listed as his time in active duty. Sonier served three years in prison in New Jersey in 1999 being released in 2002. Months later, he was in trouble again with assault charges, which he pled guilty to.

In 2005, Sonier joined members of KSS, MDS and the American Thule Society (ATS) to protest an event held for Philly Pride. Sonier became a regular at KSS-sponsored activites, such as a protest against Mumia Abu-Jamal in 2008 and the group’s 2009 outing of their annual “Leif Erickson Day Celebration”, where he is seen in videos. Because of his racist ties, him competing as a Mixed Martial Arts fighter saw controversy that had him pulled from several fight cards. His trainer was MDS associate Jason Tankersley.

In 2007, he had more legal troubles for driving with a suspended license and in 2010 he was ordered to serve a year of probation for threatening a Jewish employer who fired him after he was accused of stealing tools from the business, leaving a message on his answering machine saying, “I’ll knock your shylock motherfuckin’ nose off kike bitch! I’ll kill you!” 

Recent court records show Sonier was arrested March 3 on the 6500 Block of Marsden St in the Philadelphia neighborhood of Tacony and is currently out on bond on a count of simple assault, one count of aggravated assault, criminal trespassing, burglary, reckless endangerment and possesion of a criminal instrument. No further details of the incident are available, and he is scheduled to be Formaly Arraigned on April 30. At the Social Justice Center in Philadelphia.

According to sources, Sonier has taken money from veterans’ groups, but this has not been confirmed, nor is it known what military organizations other than the Marine Reconnaissance Foundation he has associated with. There are several military members on his Facebook profile.

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