February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Black Bike WeekGotta give them points for staying on message – but deduct every last one of them for the boneheadery of it all!

One People’s Project

It is a near perfect example of cognitive dissonance.

On Monday, following a weekend where Waco, TX were trying to recover from full on biker gang warfare between several outlaw motorcycle clubs, many of them with connections to neo-Nazis, that ended with nine dead, 18 wounded and 170 arrests, a White supremacist website discussed biker violence their way – sounding the alarm against Black Biker Week over 1,000 miles away from Waco in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina.



The American Renaissance website simply posted an article from the Black Bike Week website that promoted it as a source of information for the event taking place May 22-25. That was all it took for comments from its readers angry that in a free country as the United States Black people were allowed to hold such an event. “They haven’t gotten rid of this thing yet?” a poster named “bubo” asked. “Every year it’s the same thing. Black terrorize the town, commit crime, cost business owners thousands of dollars and generally ghetto the place up. I thought (South Carolina Governor) Nikki (Haley) was going to put an end to this TNB (Typical N—– Behavior).”

Gov. Haley once employed as an advisor to her campaign staff Jose Garcia-Quintana, a Tea Party Member and board member of the White supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens. He reluctantly was asked to resign his advisory post. American Renaissance publisher Jared Taylor is also a board member.

Many of the posts attempted to warn of associating with Black people, while others simply attacked the Black women in pictures of past Black Bike Week events with crass remarks.


 At press time only one post refered to the firefight in Waco, and it was only a hope that something would happen in Myrtle Beach that they could use as a good comparasion.


Also called the Atlantic Beach Bikefest, although there has been some incidents in the past, such as the three shooting deaths last year, such incidents have been minor in the thirty years of the event, and most certainly did not compare to the bloody melee at the Twin Peaks restaurant in Waco  that was anticipated by the community, who urged the restaurant not to host the event, and bypolice who were already on the scene when the shooting took place there. It was such that the corporate offices of Twin Peaks revoked the franchise license of the Waco restaurant on Monday. It is considered among the worst incidents in the history of motorcycle gang violence.

AmRen Waco 4

Despite such concerns regarding Waco prior to the event, there was no discussion about them seen in the days leading up to last weekend on the American Renaissance website.

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