March 9, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Gage at RutgersSo in the interest of full disclosure, Angelo John Gage thought he was going to pull his latest college campus crybaby scheme at the university and in the town that gave us many of the founders of One People’s Project. Of course it failed!

One People’s Project

NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ – Despite the efforts of a White supremacist group calling for his ouster, Rutgers University is standing behind a lecturer that has been the latest in a series of attempts by the group to harass those on college campuses they have declared as being “anti-white”.

Last week, Angelo John Gage and the organization he heads, the National Youth Front (NYF) went to various locations on the Rutgers campus to post flyers attacking Kevin Allred, and adjunct lecturer at the University for a tweet that he posted on June 12 that read, “Until the entire system changes – THERE ARE NO GOOD #WHITEPEOPLE THERE ARE ONLY LESS BAD WHITE PEOPLE!!!” When a right-wing website focusing on college campuses asked about this tweet, Allred noted that he was simply noting how people of other races are made to be held accountable for the actions of those who share that race, something that never happen to Whites. Gage, who himself routinely places much of the blame of the world’s problems on Jews, was still offended. “(W)e at the NYF do not tolerate this insanity, and thus have decided to make a stand, as we have done before with other anti-white universities,” Gage wrote on the NYF website.

On Aug. 7 the NYF released videos showing Gage and his associates posting anti-Allred flyers around campus as well as defacing Rutgers University signs and property with NYF bumper stickers. By Saturday, none were found on campus. Authorities at Rutgers told One People’s Project that they did receive reports about the flyers and are investigating the matter.

“(M)y department reported the flyers to begin with, since they arrived on campus before I did last week,” Allred told One People’s Project in an email. “I spoke to police last week as well since I’ve been getting threats continuously based off of this campaign. They are not taking his campaign or hashtag to get me fired seriously at all, but I know they investigated the flyering and they may have spoken to him.”

Gage also went to other websites and social networks to encourage others to harass Allred and the school online, and later Allred took on Gage himself on Twitter to let him know that his efforts are in vain. “He has only engaged with me
on Twitter,” Allred wrote. “I went back and forth with him a few months ago. And then last week after the posters went up,I tweeted once or twice just to let him
know the flyers weren’t working, but he has continued (along with lots of others he has encouraged) to harass me on twitter, despite getting no responses back from me. His strategy is all asking questions like ‘why are you so anti-white?’ over and over again and posting his memes of ‘statistics’ that somehow prove his theories about white genocide – but are completely fabricated and see-through for anyone with a critical thinking bone in their body.

“He takes things out of context and uses information with no logical sense, and then claims the one he is talking to (me) is the illogical one,” Allred continued. “He basically baits you into responding just so he can keep the train moving and then he also links others into the comment threads desperately trying to get himself some kind of national attention. He’s always tagging major news outlets – especially Fox News – but no one cares or responds to him.

The National Youth Front has done similar campaigns on other college campuses across the country, all of them failing to prompt those colleges and universities to act the way the group wishes. Last month Boston University sent Gage a letter informing him he was banned from their campus and faces arrest if he returns. The group’s trip to New Brunswick was not the first time posting flyers there, as another video on You Tube shows NYF posting flyers in town over the winter, possibly at Rutgers.

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