February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


Trump ownedWe know that everyone is trying to take in the latest WTF regarding Donald Trump – one of his supporters going on an anti-Muslim conspiracy rant at one of his rallies without no admonishment from Trump – but we want to go back to last week’s anti-Iran deal rally that Tea Party Patriots put on that also featured Trump because the new site Overthrowdotcom.com might have hit on something particularly curious.

One People’s Project

Last week’s rally against the Iran deal held at the US Capitol might have unearthed some associations billionaire real estate developer and presidential candidate Donald Trump never revealed before according to the new website Overthrowdotcom.com, a sister site of One People’s Project.

The article notes particularly the rally, which brought out not only Trump but also Sen. Ted Cruz, Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and radio show host Glenn Beck, was co-organized by Tea Party Patriots which itself was formed by Freedomworks, a conservative organization founded by Charles and David Koch and former US Rep. Dick Armey. It further notes that Trump’s campaign staff includes operatives from the Koch political network.

“There are a handful of other key Koch players doing the same thing, but, why would Koch operatives leave Koch to work for a rival candidate?” the article asks. “Or did they? Could this be a way for the Koch Bros to push for their endorsed Scotty Walker while keeping cards in the Trump camp?”

Besides the Koch Bros. association, Overthrowdotcom.com also notes that among the other co-organizers of the rally, which was seen more as an anti-Muslim event, included For America, an organization founded by Media Research Center’s Brent Bozell with his son David as president, the Zionist Organization for America and Secure Freedom, which is headed up by Islamophobic activist Frank Gaffney, who also spoke at the rally.

Overthrowdotcom.com – Trump the Neocon/Kockservative?

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