February 22, 2025

Idavox Archives

Archived articles originally found on the One People's Project website.


What’s up Daily Beast!

I wanted to welcome everyone who is coming to this site via the new Daily Beast article about me and the work that One People’s Project does, and I hope you get a lot out of what you see here. You are coming here during a time of transition because we have been trying to fix the site for months now and everything here is kind of nuts. You will find a lot of the past articles here, and the Rogues’ Gallery button in the menu goes to the new version of it, which is still under construction. The original Rouges’ Gallery entries are still available at their original links by clicking on the drop down portion of that button. Meanwhile, we have been posting new articles at www.Idavox.com, which as of last month has become our official newsline! Like I said earlier, everything is a bit nuts, and I apologize for the confusion, but this site has been through trials and tribulations unimaginable over the past 15 years, and it was only a matter of time before we had to just blow the thing up and try to get things right about it! Again, I want to thank you all for coming here, and if you have any questions, want to interview me, appear at an event, do a cameo on Doctor Who or Walking Dead (it’s worth a shot), etc., hit me up at [email protected]!

Daryle Lamont Jenkins
Executive Director, One People’s Project

P.S. I would not be remiss in not mentioning that we have a Go Fund Me page and a PayPal page set up for those who would like to donate and help us further the work we do. If people like Kim Davis and other bigots, not to mention dirty cops, are going to use such platforms to profit off their bigotry and misdeeds, we most certainly should use those same platforms to beat them back – especially after the election results in Kentucky and Houston, TX. So if you can help in that regard we would greatly appreciate it. You can find the PayPal and Go Fund Me buttons on the sidebar.

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