Conservative commentators are whining about how doing this is going to bring back the days of David Dinkins. Guess they...
Frank was fired from a Bronx, NY Catholic School when his ties to American Renaissance were revealed. He goes under...
Imagine the Tea Party coming out of their shell, and you have what happened in Paris. (more…)
It was only a matter of time before Golden Dawn made some sort of move. Guess it antifa's turn now....
Yeah, we know what we did there! Well, he laid down with dogs. Behold the fleas... (more…)
The American Freedom Party has been trying their level best to get a bead on us antifa, but instead they...
Note: This letter is as the One People's Project received it. Bradford Davis is a racist who is trying to...
Since William Luther Pierce shuffled off this mortal plane, there has been a lot of accolades, poems and "Hail Pierce!"...
MILL POINT, WV, July 23--Dr. William L. Pierce, founder of the National Alliance and author of The Turner Diaries died...
The ex-wife of National Alliance leader Erich Gliebe has written a piece that touches on some rather sensitive issues regarding...